© Dr. Neil Stanley 2013-2025
("He who does not understand should either be silent or learn.")
Dr. John Dee "Monas Hieroglyphica" 1564
Caveat Emptor
Would you want to be treated by a Doctor who only had less than a week’s training?
Would you agree to be operated upon by a Surgeon who only had less than a week’s training?
Would you trust a Psychiatrist who only had less than a week’s training?
Would you have work done by a Dentist who only had less than a week’s training?
Would you trust your cat to a Vet who only had less than a week’s training?
Would you get on an aircraft if the pilot only had less than a week’s training?
Would you let your child on a school bus if the driver only had less than a week’s training?
Because for many people working in the sleep field 5 days formal training is the most they have undergone, usual
however it is a 3 day training course. Three days training allows them to call themselves “Certified Sleep Practitioner”
This title has absolutely no meaning and is in no way a measure of their competence or knowledge, (NB ‘certified’
means nothing more then they got a certificate say they completed the course).
Now I don’t care how many books they have read or what ‘special gift’ they think they may have, this is, in my opinion,
no way near enough time to get even a superficial understanding of the complexity of sleep. This means much of what
you read and the advice given to patients is often unscientific nonsense.
The sad fact is that anyone can call themselves a ‘sleep expert’ but for some so-called experts it is difficult to find much
evidence of their relevant experience, training or expertise in sleep, whatever they claim. Here are some things that in
my opinion do not necessarily make you a ‘Sleep Expert’.
Calling yourself a ‘Sleep Expert’.
Being quoted by the media about sleep.
Paying a PR company to get you exposure in the media
Being called a ‘Sleep Expert’ by the media (even if they call you ‘Britain’s leading Sleep Expert’)
Calling yourself a ‘Sleep therapist’, ‘sleep practitioner’ etc.
Having a qualification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Being a G.P.
Being a Nurse
Being a Consultant (unless you are a consultant in Sleep Medicine)
Being a psychotherapist
Being a hypnotherapist
Being a prescribing pharmacist
Being a clinician (not a qualification just means you hold clinics)
Being a psychologist.
Having a qualification in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Being a mindfulness practitioner.
Having attended a 1/3/5-day introduction to sleep course, even if it gives you a pretty certificate. (I have been in
the sleep field for over 40 years and still am still learning)
Presenting a TV programme about sleep. (Just because someone can read a script convincingly, takes direction
and looks good on TV does not necessarily make them an expert of any sort).
Writing a book about sleep. (Most sleep self-help books are written by non-experts).
Writing a ‘sleep app’
doing a TikTok video on sleep (even if you are a Hospital Doctor)
Having the word ‘sleep’ in your Twitter/Facebook/website, etc. name
Working for a bed manufacturer
Selling beds.
Working for a PR Company
Writing a blog about sleep
Being a sleep coach (just means you haven’t even got a certificate)